You are invited to view an online photo album created by Michael Winney.
Here is a message describing the photos:
Check out the "before" and "during" photos of my 68 GT restoration. "After"
photos will be posted when I have something after to photograph!
If you use AOL, use this link to see the photos.
<a href="http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=1699715&a=13055483";> Click
If neither of the links are clickable, simply cut and paste
the first link into your web browser. If you have any trouble,
please contact Customer Service at
You can order prints of the pictures while you are viewing them, or
comment on the album in the guestbook.
If you want to start sharing your photos online today, sign up for
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Here are a few of the great things you can do as a member of
PhotoPoint, the #1 online photo site:
- Take your photos from wherever they are - digital camera, roll of
film or shoebox - and store them in secure online albums
- Invite family and friends to view your photos
- Order prints and custom photo gifts of your favorite pictures
in the MarketPlace
- Bring your photos to life in a SmashCast movie with music and
- Learn more about photography through our PhotoTalk section,
including buying guides and tips on how to take better pictures
And that's just the beginning.
For quick answers to many common questions about our site and our
services, please visit our FAQs, Help, and Sitemap.
Celebrate Your Life In Pictures(TM) at PhotoPoint today.
Thank you,
The PhotoPoint Family
/// mgs@autox.team.net mailing list
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)