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Re: Shameless plug

To: MG List <>
Subject: Re: Shameless plug
From: Eric <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 02:58:05 +0610
Richard Spurling wrote:
> Just a shameless plug for my website - actually, it's just been 
> uploaded so I'm interested if anyone has problems reading it 

So, Richard is uploading his website at 2:00am, eh?  I guess that is
because he is pondering the question about frost removal... or maybe it
is because it is too damn hot for him to sleep!!!!

It is now 2:50am in Adelaide, South Australia, and it is 27C (80F) with
65% hunidity - add five degrees or so inside my house (I am dripping
sweat on my keyboard) at least even with all the windows and doors
open.  There is NO BREEZE!  We have broken a record for the number of
consecutive days with maximum temperatures over 85F (16 days, I think) -
with quite a few of them being 100F or higher.

LBC weather... hmmm, nice if you can get up into the hills in the
evening but damn hot with the sun beating down on your head during the
day (and my little beast with a cracked head tends to get a tad warm).

Knee deep snow?  How to remove frost?  It all seems a bit alien to me.

I am hot and sweaty... I can't sleep and I have to be at work in a few
hours.  My ears are ringing because I went to an AC/DC concert tonight
(yes, they *are* still alive).

Come on guys... write lots.  You are the only ones keeping me

'68 MGB MkII
Sweaty Adelaide, South Australia

PS I may just wake up the neighbours and take the 'B for a drive to get
some cool air

PPS Oh yeah, Richard, the site is coming along fine :-)  You just have
it sitting on a slow server - you need to find yourself a better ISP ;-)

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