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Half years, was:1974.5 MGB

Subject: Half years, was:1974.5 MGB
From: "R. O. Lindsay" <>
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 08:56:27 -0600 wrote:

> Here is the 74.5 B restoration ...

   Thanks John for inadvertently bringing up a topic that
I have always wondered about: The "half year."  When
I bought my '70 B-GT I was told that it is a 69.5 model.
My question is this: Is the "74 and a half" or "69 and a
half" a US naming convention for early cars or is there
something official about that?  My '69.5 B-GT was built
in November 1969 but falls into the 1970 model year --
using the car number.
   The seventies was a time when the Greenie Tree Huggers
went a little <more> nuts and caused tremendous strife in
the motor industry.  Thusly, much change occurred from
model year to model year (and sometimes WITHIN model
years) as the manufacturers tried to say compliant with the
changing law.  So I guess to return to the thread; Does the
"...and a half" notation have anything to do with the change
so rampant in the 70's?  Or was it marketing?  Or is it just
a American way of saying "an early-production car?"

Rick Lindsay
Diamond Geoscience Research
5727 S. Lewis Ave., Tulsa, OK
Voice: +1 918-747-3456
Fax: +1 918-747-8599

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