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Re: SU carb problem, part III

To: Lawrie Alexander <>
Subject: Re: SU carb problem, part III
From: Jeff Fayne <>
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 23:38:11 -0500
Lawrie Alexander wrote:

> Nubbins? You have to remember I made that video about 13 years ago and that
> particular word probably described to a tee something that I couldn't think
> of the right word for, during the marathon 30-hour session of making that
> video in one veeeeeerry long weekend!
> As I sit here tonight I haven't a clue what I was referring to. Perhaps the
> context would help. Care to add a bit more detail?

If memory serves you were describing on an HS4, how to chase the spring for the
jet actuating lever around and catch the end on the tang.  I believe it was the
tang you referred to as a 'nubbins'. It will always be 'nubbins' to me :)  It's
terminology like this that gives the MG it's character...

'70 MGB

BTW:  I've done three rebuilds (two for me and one for a friend) and I watched
the video each time as a refresher. I made the spring chasing tool that you
describe, helped immensely. Thanks for putting the video together, 13 years ago
or not, It definitely stands the test of time.

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