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75 MGB Steering rack: Hopefully the last questions from me

To: "MG Mailing List" <>
Subject: 75 MGB Steering rack: Hopefully the last questions from me
From: "Mark Dawson" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 16:09:42 -0400
Hi all,

I have just replaced the boots on the steering rack, and have a few final

First off, the tie rod end boots from VB don't appear to be identical to
those which I removed. They are smaller, which doesn't seem to matter, but
they also lack a small metal ring around the small end. Did I not have the
original kind of boot, or am I now missing something important?

Secondly, I did everything I could think of by the book (Haynes and the Moss
catalogue article on this procedure). I filled the works with gear oil, and
the next morning found most of the gear oil on the garage floor. I tried
tightening the boots' large-end clamps, but it still leaks. Did I put too
much in, or are the boots just too big?

Lastly, just to be sure, I ran it up to an alignment shop to have them check
everything. Right off the bat they said I'd need a new gear, since there
should not be oil in the boots; the seals must be bad. ?!?

I thought from the discussion on this list that the boots were SUPPOSED to
have oil in them, and the movement from steering causes the oil to pump
through the rack to lubricate it. Did I misunderstand, or is my steering
rack shot???

Anyhow, I'll have pictures of most of this operation if anyone else needs
some reference guides when you do it. Let me know. Since there was a
discussion as to how best fill the rack, I thought I'd add my experience. It
seems clear to me that taking the dampening lid and spring-loaded assembly
off and filling from above with a long funnel is easy as pie. Can't imagine
that syringes would be easier. Unless, of course, I did something wrong.

- Topless Smurf ('75 MGB):
Mark Dawson
The Roundtown Caf�
Personal Web Page

        234 N. Court St., Circleville, Ohio, 43113

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