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lucased again.....

Subject: lucased again.....
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 14:01:18 +1000
     Hay guys.

     I got lucased again yesterday.  On the weekend, on the way home from one
the the usual  seasonal get-togethers the car started to miss and then backfire,
then run ok for a little while, then it lost a cylinder, coghed, cleared and run
so-so.  I limped it home and left it until monday, I had the day off and thought
it was probabbly only the points.  Monday dawns, I go out fire it up and it
runss for a moment and coughs and dies.  Hmmm whats going on under there,  Open
the bonnet and peer in.   Then ask myself  why is the distributor sitting on the
chassis rail. #$%^&*@#$%^&.  this isnt good.  no access to an internet
connection, so I ring the mechanic,  he say Hmmm that doesn't sound good.....
Sheesh I just said that.  A quick lesson on how to statically time a car.  Half
an hour latter I fire up the car and she runs ok.  Leave it running and go back
inside, find the mobile isnt charged, my wallet has gone awol, luckily I find my
CR card.  Head off. Get 100 Metres and Cough..............
@#$%^&@#$#%^&.  Open bonnet,  This distributor like the Chassis Rail.  Hmmm I
give up Walk home and call the RACV (Our Roadside assistance Co).  tell the RACV
To call me when they have a flatbed ready.

Hour latter, Flatbed arrives, loads up and off to the mechanics.  Turns out the
Truck drivers Grandfather knows my parents, and is into BBC's, owns a Series 2
XJ6.  Unload Next door to mechanics, as the local council decided to repave the
road infront of the showroom/Garage, As mechanic cant do anything else looks
under the bonnet pulls out the dissy and say hay look its stuffed.  They have a
weakness and promptly showed me the lip where the dissy is clamped to the block,
it is a thin ring of alloy that sould be round, mine was a strange kidney shape.
Ok at this point the current dissy is scrap, I have two choises I can refit a
new Lucas or replace with a later Bosch item which solves this particular
weakness (Thou I believe the Old Dissy may have been an original, so it has
lasted 34 Years),  Cost was the same but the bosch one uses GM points, leads,
ect.  so for ease of parts supply and cost (GM Parts are usually cheaper).  I
opted for the GM item.  I havn't really had a chance to test it out yet as on
the way home the front exhaust pipe finally blew a hole though.  Looks like the
car will be getting a new pipe for christmas.

oh well what can we do.  By the way for all of you in the other hemisphere, hows
the snow.  always wanted a white christmas.  Looks like ours will be 30 to 40

Melbourne Australia

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