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Re: Interior Door Panels

To: G Graham <>
Subject: Re: Interior Door Panels
From: Jurgen Hartwig <>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 13:31:02 -0400
G Graham wrote:

> I rebuilt my door panels for the obvious reasons. Masonite (tempered if
> possible) makes a good stiff backing, over which I used a thin sheet of
> plastic foam packing material (the kind they wrap delicate stuff in
> instead of bubble wrap). The masonite was laid on top of the
> vinyl/padding. Pull the vinyl edges around to the back side, shoot some
> 3M spray adhesive and use short staples to help hold. Duct tape probably
> won't last long.

Gary mentions use of Masonite. Good idea!  I did this with the '78 B,
but be forewarned that you should try to use the thinnest Masonite.  I
used the 3/16" material and the finished door panel made putting the
black trim rings around the door handle very difficult.  1/8" material
would be more appropriate.  Very easy to cut.  Much, much more durable
than the cardboard.


BTW. Use 3M adhesive only and follow the directions.

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And the world rejoiced.
Live your life so in death you rejoice
And the world cries.

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