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FW: Video - MGB Service Guide

To: <>
Subject: FW: Video - MGB Service Guide
From: "Larry MacDonald" <lmacdona@MNSi.Net>
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 18:38:39 -0400
-----Original Message-----
From: Larry MacDonald []
Sent: Saturday, April 03, 1999 11:25 AM
Subject: Video - MGB Service Guide

A number of months ago I came across a isting of a video titled MGB Service
Guide.  I believe it was on a web page from Australia. I was tempted to
order the video at the time but, for a number of reasons, did not.  I have
not lost interest in the video but before buying a copy, I am interested in
determing if any others, who subscribe to this list, are familiar with the
video content and would comment on the merits. While on the subject, are
there any other videos on maintenance and servicing that a novice (but not
afraid to learn), would benefit from.


Larry MacDonald
73 MGB

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