I saw that too. I'd rather have the Mini...
Great golf by the way.
---mgdave@uswest.net wrote:
> Did anyone else see the Buick Open on TV this weekend? They
> kept running an ad that said:
> "In Scotland they have some of the best golf courses in the
> world. They also have some of the smallest cars in the
> world" Then they show a Mini with four guys crammed inside
> and their golf bags strapped to the roof. Then the driver
> says, "I wish I had a Buick" they go on to say "When your'e
> ready for a REAL car see your local Buick dealier" They
> also show a picture of a Mini with a red circle and line
> through it. Maybe we should all E-mail our displeasure with
> this Bashing of Britsh Cars on National TV.
> Well Vented
> David Stecher
> Urbandale IA
> 73 BGT "fergie"