Allen (et. al.):
The following was sent to by a lister a while ago and worked for me:
I've ordered and received three of these for my cars. Just send a check for
$40.00 for each certificate you wish to:
British Motor Industry Heritage Trust
Archive Dept
Heritage Motor Circle
Banbury Road, Gaydon
Warwickshire, CV35 OBJ
Enclose a letter asking for a "Production Record Certificate" with the brand
and model of car for which you wish a certificate and the VIN number. I've
done this with personal checks twice, so it's not necessary to get fancy
regarding payment.
As he said, checks in $US work fine.
Bud Krueger
77MGB (w/BMIHT certificate)
Florrie & Allen Bachelder wrote:
> Listers -
> I would like to get Heritage certificates for a couple of my cars. ' Have
> seen where to write but didn't take note. Can somebody tell me where to
> write, the current cost in US $ and is it possible to pay on VISA/MC.
> Getting a check in � sterling from a local bank in SW Virginia is seriously
> expensive business. There's got to be a better way.
> Also - ' Fired up the '67 B this afternoon for the first time since
> November. ' Took it out and warmed it up real well. Except, despite our
> balmy 29 degrees Fahrenheit, it just never hardly warmed up. With 3/4ths
> of the rad covered with cardboard, I finally got it up to 165 degrees - and
> a little dribble of heat leaked into the cockpit. Now I realize that this
> 32-year-old car about which I know very little could have a severely
> blocked heater core. My '76 heater does work quite a bit better. But
> still - an 1800 cc engine running at 180-190 degrees (in the '76) ought to
> be able to generate enough heat to drive you out of that little bitty
> cockpit at anything above zero anyway. If a Corolla can do it, why not an
> MG?
> I've heard of aftermarket replacement squirrel cages for the blower that
> are supposed to be much better, and I've read of using heavier wiring to
> the blower (using a relay to the switch) which is reported to improve its
> performance. Has anybody developed a better heater core? Have any of your
> cold-climate daily drivers addressed this?
> TIA!
> Allen
> Allen H. Bachelder =iii=<
> Sinking Creek Home for Wayward MGs
> New Castle, VA 24127
> 540/544-7333