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Re: [BOUNCE mgs@Autox.Team.Net: Admin request of type /\bunsubscribe

To: "MG List" <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: [BOUNCE mgs@Autox.Team.Net: Admin request of type /\bunsubscribe\b/I at line 8]
From: "MSLishego" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 00:22:50 -0500
> Wow, this is another subject that has been beaten to death.  I seem
to recall that
> some of us old time listers were extremely civil to each other at one
time or
> another.  I guess that's where the phrase "there goes the
neighborhood" comes
> from.  

I agree with that sentiment.  At the same time, we should all realize
that this list is just like a big neighborhood in your hometown.  There
will always be people who grate the nerves and cause hard feelings. 
But, we deal with them using the "delete" button or the ignore function
on the other side of the keyboard...<G>

You can't constantly police the list from ne'er do wells who think that
> they're in an AOL chatroom.  Too bad.  I guess we should all have
patience with
> the new guys....I've left this list twice due to the flamers, but Ive
 come back.
> There's always good info here that you'll never find in a book. 

Amen, Michael.  You've got more years of experience here than possibly
anywhere else.  I think we all need to learn to take the bad with the
good, myself included.  The minor irritation I get occasionally is
long-forgotten when someone gives me a tip that fixes the problem or
tells a story that warms my heart. 

Just my .02 worth...

Mike Lishego
1974 MGB
1986 Plymouth Turismo 2.2
> Michael Ohleger

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