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Re: Paint & terrible joke.

To: Phil Raby <>
Subject: Re: Paint & terrible joke.
From: Paul Hunt <>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 20:54:44 +0000
Phil Raby wrote:
> On 14/9/98 9:05 am said
> >    This is NOT a joke...the MGF is getting a rough time, it is
> >proving to not be very reliable, and made our prime-time TV in the UK,
> >on a programme called " Watchdog". Bits keep falling off, or leak, or
> >seize. It only goes to show we now have a new breed of MG owner. One who
> >cannot fix his car, but goes running back to the manufacturer. Perhaps
> This is a typical Watchdog non-story along the lines that all washing
> machines should be banned because Mrs Smith from Wrexham's cat got caught
> in one.
> Roche Bentley of the MG Owners' Club, who was featured on the programme,
> in his magazine asked members to report on MGF faults � there was a zero
> response.

Don't forget that Roche himself had to shell out 3 grand for a new engine just 
of guarantee, and the MG Enthusiast car had an engine failure as well (albeit 
user inflicted).  Can't remember if it was before or after the engine failure, 
MG Enthusiast got a full refund on their first car because it was so bad, and 
on for the VVC.


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