Since their seems to be a lack of enthusiasm among Brit car aftermarket
companies to design fuel injection systems, I thought I'd send out some
Who would be willing to help me study the feasibility of a fuel injection
system for the
MGB/MGA, or other automobiles? I realize that I may be rubbing some the
wrong way by studying new technology for our dear old vehicles, but I
can't see how a daily driver could not benefit from such an adaptable
piece of science.
If I can get some help doing research I would be grateful. I would love to
be able to reach a
consensus on the options of such a conversion. Right now school and work
are consuming me, but after school I will take over my families business
which should afford me ample time and money for projects.
Thanks for your time
Jurgen Hartwig
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
uucp: ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!gt0003a