Rich Mason wrote:
> At 07:43 PM 8/25/98 -0400, Sean wrote:
> >I got a new battery and the car started
> >just fine but after being in the car (parked) for about an hour, the
> >battery went dead again.
> Sounds like a real bad short to kill a new battery in an hour. Disconnect
> the cables and recharge the battery. Once it's charged, reconnect the
> ground, and connect an ammeter inline with the other lead and measure the
> current draw with everything off. Armed with a good schematic, start
> pulling fuses and hot leads until you isolate the current draw.
Personally I prefer putting a low-wattage 12v bulb in place of the battery
ground strap, that way you don't have to worry about what scale the meter
be on and you can see the glow from all round the car when you are pulling
and connectors. Disconnect the alternator first. You do have the battery
connected the right way round, don't you? If you have a generator it could be
the contacts stuck in the control box.