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Re: Proposed use for the ashtray...

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Proposed use for the ashtray...
From: Carol <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 13:19:14 -0500
I think I saw a real remote control radio advertised in the paper here
awhile back. No cables. Just like a real remote control unit. I don't
recall that the radio was concealed. I do recall that I thought the idea
was the paragon of laziness. Now I can see that it would make sense!

So maybe that mousetrap is already on the market...


At 07:58 PM 7/22/98 +0200, you wrote:
>Dan Ray commented recently that he was waiting for someone to convert an
>ashtray into a cupholder...
>How about a radio control?
>I don't really want to put a radio into my B's dashboard - 
>that makes the car vulnerable to theft (of the radio, at least...).
>How about that nowadays almost always unused ashtray?
>Controls inside, flatcable towards the under the dash radio...
>perfectly invisible!
>Who, oh who wants to design something like this?
>I'm an electrical engineer by education and also a ham radio operator, so I
>definitely do it myself, but, alas, I don't have the time.
>Anyone else?
> running Windows '98, better known as "MacIntosh '87 "

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