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Re: looking at an mgb... (cont.)

To: "Sam Snow" <>, <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: looking at an mgb... (cont.)
From: "Jim Carney" <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 14:32:15 -0500
>Speedo jumps around a bunch, isn't reading anything useful.
Probably you just need to remove, clean & grease the "innards" of the spedo

>A little surface rust under the floor mat on the driver's side. A little
>moist there.
Betcha there's more rust in the rockers. Try a magnet. It ought to stick. If
you don't know what you're doing (yet), find someone who does.
Where are you?

>Needs a tune up (I think)
Used car needing a tuneup = burnt valve.

>Exhaust leak close to engine end
easy fix.

>Seats need rebuilding

>passenger door rubbing at bottom rear slightly,
This is one indicator of severe rust in the rockers, or improperly repaired
rust in the rockers.
Make absolutely certain it is the door sagging, and not the car starting to
sag in the middle.

>needs paint touched up

>there price $3,800 OBO
>I was thinking a compression check would be a good thing... and might
>give me a better idea of how the engine is doing. Otherwise, if the price
>seems in line, I may buy myself a B. :)
First go over the rockers really well with a magnet. If it doesn't stick,
you are buying a PHD in welding.
Get the compression tested by someone who knows how.
Sounds to me like $3800 is too much. Unless you just have the urge to do
major restoration, look at bunch of cars before you buy one. If you are at
all mechanically inclined, you will quickly become "expert" in
>thanks for opinions,
>Sam Snow

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