The machine shop pronounced the A's exhaust valves dead on arrival.
Although the valve surfaces were salvageable, the stems were worn so they
were not worth saving.
Because I am running out of time, I went to our local English car garage
and picked up some exhaust valves. He only carries stellite valves,
claiming that the will last longer and putting anything less in is a waste
of time. The are also about 3 times as expensive.
So, are these wonder valves worth it? Should I lap them into the seats or
will that remove the platinum- er stellite coating? Are these valve
regrindable or will I have more smelly paperweights when I do put in
hardened seats? the exhaust valve seats are fine now with no recession so
I hope to put that expense off until the bank account recovers from the
clutch, tranny, and camshaft. I am running out of time so any replacement
would have to be ordered UPS red which may eat up the difference in price
anyway but jeez that's a lot of money for valves.
Bill Eastman
61 MGA which ran a lot better than the condition of the parts removed would