Why is it leaking there? Is the cover warped?
I ask, because a friend of mine who noticed my constant efforts to stop
the leaks from the rocker cover in my TD suggested I look to see if it
were bent. It was. We twisted it straight, reinstalled, and (wonder of
wonders) it's oil tight. Yes, there is oil in the engine.
Neither the TD nor the B leaks at the tappet cover, so they may not be
required to leak there. Hope that your leak is as simple to stop as mine
On Wed, 4 Feb 1998 16:43:35 -0600 "Thomas James Pokrefke, III"
<pokrefke@datastar.net> writes:
>I was sitting at a stop light today in the B admiring the nice oil
>that my car puts off. Oil leaks past the tappet cover, runs down the
>block, and hits the hot exhaust pipe. 007 would be proud.
>I had a great idea to fix it, but its simplicity sent off a red flag.
>If I
>cut a piece of 1/4" metal so it was slightly larger than the tappet
>drilled a hole through the middle, and used it so it but uniform
>on the tappet cover seal, my oil leak should stop.
>Of course, I have had my car for too long to know that such a simple
>would undoubtly cause some unforeseeable problem in about 8 to 12
>What do you think?
>Thomas James Pokrefke, III
>1970 MGB
>1995 Nissan Pathfinder
>1998 Canoe
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