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Re: Sinking feeling about Internet (No LBC)

Subject: Re: Sinking feeling about Internet (No LBC)
From: (James E Kearman)
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 09:16:50 -0500
On Thu, 29 Jan 1998 22:21:02 +0000 "Scott Gardner"
<> writes:

>       Is it just me, or are the numbers just getting bigger, while 
>capability stays pretty much the same?
>(Who remembers when a bulletin board was some guy's Apple IIe with a 
>300 baud modem and a floppy in each drive.)

It takes about as long to boot my 133 MHz Pentium and start Word 97 as it
did to book my 386 SX-16 and start Wordstar 7. After using Word 97 I'm
not ready to return to Wordstar7! I like the simplicity of an MGB but
give me horsepower and "cupholders" when it comes to computers.

Where websites are concerned you can always have your browser download
only text and skip the graphics. That really speeds things up if you're
just looking for information.

This is "progress." Today's $23,000 Miata won't get you there any faster
than the LBCs of years past, but for some reason we associate "more" with

73B Roadster daily driver
James E. Kearman

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