Hey Vince and David,
Thanks for the advice, this was very helpful. Here's what I did...
1st. Buy a breaker bar from Sears as the craftsmen brand is guaranteed for
life no matter what.
2nd. Go to OSH and buy what could best be described as a really big friggin'
steel pipe.
3rd. Combine said big friggin' steel pipe and craftsman breaker bar for a
whole lotta leverage.
Worked like a charm and I'm smiling again! Thanks so much to all who
responded, I'm back in business.
Happy New Year To All!
Vince J. Pujalte wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> I do not own a BGT, so I am just guessing here.
> But that has never stopped me before, so ;)...
> Is it possible that the hub nut in question is reverse-threaded?
> I seem to recall that one side of wire wheel cars is reverse threaded
> so that the wheels don't loosen while driving.
> This is also the reason that you can not tow a wire wheel car
> backwards, EVER. The wheels come off.
> I hope that this helps you.
> Your friend,
> -Vince
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