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Re: Water pumps was my 'brake'

Subject: Re: Water pumps was my 'brake'
From: (Larry Dickstein)
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 10:04:58 EDT
If I remember correctly, yes, they will all fit.  The problems arise when
you go to hook up the smog stuff that was attached to brackets on the
pump.  The belt alignment can be a problem as well.  

Larry Dickstein

"If you're stupid, you'll have to pay for it"

On Mon, 20 Oct 1997 21:42:37 -0600 (Larry A Hoy)
>I once looked for a cast iron water pump for my B (1967 engine).  I 
>could only locate a cast iron one for a late model engine.  
>Are the cast iron pumps available for the early engines?
>Will the late model cast iron pump fit on the early engine?
>Larry Hoy (
>Denver, CO USA
>1969 MGB Roadster
>1987 Jaguar XJ6 Vanden Plas
>On Mon, 20 Oct 1997 20:39:35 EDT (Larry Dickstein) 
>>      I can't help you w/ all your maladies but I can offer an 
>>opinion on the water pump.  The little hole at the bottom is where 
>>coolant comes out after the packing inside the pump goes bad. You 
>>at best, setting yourself up for a catastrophic failure.  The hole is 
>>a relief hole and is supposed to be open.
>>      If the pump is aluminum then pitch it.  If it is cast iron, 
>>look in the yellow pages under pumps, rebuilders, or something, and 
>>eventually you will find someone to rebuild it.  All the innards are 
>>is a bearing, a seal, and a packing material.  Nothing cosmic about 
>>any of it.  Stay away from rebuilt aluminum pumps.  
>>Larry Dickstein
>>"If you're stupid, you'll have to pay for it"
>>On Sun, 19 Oct 1997 23:07:06 -0700 Mike Lishego 
>><> writes:
>>>     Well, I went home to do two things with my MGB, and neither 
>>was accomplished.  First, I wanted to drive that baby at least once 
>>before Xmas, but didn't get to.  I finally finished my front end 
>>rebuild and wire wheel swap.  I replaced my bad water 
>>>pump with another one that was also bad.  The pump had a hole in the 
>>bottom by the pulley that I could only assume was for lubrication.  
>>Water poured out of this orifice, so I plugged it with a bolt goobed 
>>with JB weld.  

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