Hello Everyone,
I have a pair of questions for your knowledgeable consideration....
Recently I was able to purchase a later model MGB master cylinder/brake
booster/pedal box (I am unsure of the year). I am hoping to install it in
my early 1974 MGB to gain the added braking performance. Is this a fairly
straightforward conversion or will I encounter rude and sinister things
previously unknown?
Additionally....2 years ago I had an overdrive transmission installed in
the car and since that time my speedo runs about 8-10 mph slow. The
transmission that was installed was from an earlier model although I don't
know which year. The speedo is rock solid and doesn't waver, it just reads
low. Is this because the speedo and the transmission and incompatible(i.e.
different years)?
Other than these little things all I need is more time to drive it!
Thanks in advance,
Burt Hutcherson
Gordonsville, VA