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Mr Goodwrench Snake Oil

To: MG List <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Mr Goodwrench Snake Oil
From: Robert Allen <>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 21:41:18 +0100
I was talking to my TR8 pal and he volunteered that the most wonderful
tranny oil around is GM Goodwrench Syncromesh Transmission Oil. He
bought his at the local Chevy dealer for $10 a quart.

His tranny went from ginding gears and _still_ not getting it in to
being able to shift normally with just an occasional grench if he is in
a really, really big hurry. He said he was real skeptical that it would
do any good and had jut about planned a tranny pull over the winter but
this stuff could delay it a year.

He got his lead from hanging out with too many folks that drive TR8s
over the summer. He said it was darn near unanimous, the praise for this


GM Goodwrench Syncromesh Transmission Oil.

This is the stuff you buy by the quart and is not the tube of baby seal
brains that comes in a tube for positraction units.

1) Anyone else got a testimonial for this stuff?

2) Anyone know how to buy Goodwrench parts at a discount?

Bob Allen, Kansas City, '69CGT, '75TR6, '61Elva(?)
"If I'm driving down the road and throw the cat out, does that make
kitty litter?"

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