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Was: MGA moments Now: Pulling MGC motor

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net,
Subject: Was: MGA moments Now: Pulling MGC motor
From: Bill Eastman <>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 13:54:38 -0500
>>> Robert Allen <> 09/11/97 01:23pm >>>
 <snip>don't you just recycle the whole motor when
the cam goes bad? Sorta like them motorized weed wackers? <snip>
 "There were these two MGA owners passing a bar. . . What? Hey! It could
happen!" >>


I am glad to see that you still have your sense of humor.  Sounds like you
are having the time of your life wrestling with the C's motor.

I would guess that your best bet is to pull the engine and tranny as a
unit.  To do this, you will have to drop the tranny crossmember.  Since you
have an LBC, the bolts shouldn't be rusted solid ;-)  I don't know how your
C is built, but Chryslers used to use that crossmember as the attachments
for the torsion bars.  I would hope that MG didn't attach the torsion bars
to the tranny crossmember but you never know.

Another suggestion that I have seen repeated is to get the rear of the car
higher than the front of the car.  This is probably tougher than it sounds.

I have done two things lately that makes my mechanical life easier.  First,
I bought a few 2X10 boards and cut them into 2 foot lengths.  These are
great for cribbing up the ends of cars.  They are also reletively easy to
store.  The second thing that I did was to buy a second hydraulic floor
jack.  Two floor jacks are just the thing for keeping rabid transmissions
from inflicting severe chest wounds.  Just make sure that you have your cat
handy to wipe up the oil from the garage floor before it stains ;-)

Bill Eastman
61 MGA

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