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Re: 4WD MGBs and Messerschmidts, et al

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: 4WD MGBs and Messerschmidts, et al
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 10:08:46 EDT
On Wed, 27 Aug 1997 19:45:26 -0400 "Michael P. Ohleger" <>
> have you ever seen an Isetta?

My first experience with an Isetta was about three weeks ago.  I was
barreling down one of the LA canyons in my Pathfinder.  I came around a
corner and what was putt-putting along at its top speed of about 20mph
but an Isetta.  If I was talking on a cellular and paying no attention to
the road like most Los Angelenos, I would have run right over it.  You've
got to be nuts to drive on the street in one of those!

John Miller
Production Systems Coordinator
Pacific Sunwear of California

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