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Re: Agony and Despair

Subject: Re: Agony and Despair
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 08:33:07 EDT
 I had similar woes a month or so ago--finally discovered that the coil
to distributor wire was burned off at distrib end.  Unmake and re-make
those high-tension connnections and do a resistance check on the wire
just to be sure.
  Doping around trying to find the problem, I kept leaning the carbs
because of fouled plugs. Of course they fouled--they weren't getting
electricity regularly, so they would fire great out of the engine,but
engine wouldn't run.  Found that the nice bunsen blue we used to seek in
the colortune is too lean for today's MTBZ or whatever they call the gas.
You need to have a bit of an orange glow in the blue.
 Do you have fuel at the carbs? Press down the little pin on the
floatbowl with the ignition on. If pump is working it will pump and fuel
will spill out of the bowl.
 I think it's ignition, though, since it sounds so similar to my puzzle.
On Sat, 16 Aug 1997 07:32:17 -0400 "Mike Razor" <> writes:
>Still no running MGA tried everything we know.  New plugs, plug wires
>rotor cap, rotor button, points,  rebuilt carbs, balanced carbs and 
>a color tune on it and it looked real good.  Was running and when we
>took it for a ride it died about 100 yards from the house and refused 
>start.  Checked the points and they were not opening all the way 
>them up and it still would not start, put a new coil on it and it 
>up until wife stalled it out backing it in the garage and it would not
>start again.  Timing? Spark? Fuel?
>Our newly formed club is having its first rallye today and I am the 
>and now car (TD is out of action cause I thought how hard could it be 
>put in a new dash!) but that is a different story but I don't suggest 
>for relaxing.

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