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Re: The Calling

To: Trevor Boicey <>
Subject: Re: The Calling
From: patrick bailey <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 07:37:58 -0700
Gee Trevor you must work for the government  I didn't mean to ruffle
your feathers!I don't think they are all out to get us I think we will
let them get us by our apathy or naivet� I don't know how old you are
but maybe you are too young to remember where you just went down to the
DMV and plunked down your $5 and drove off happily into the sunset,it
seems YOU don't get the point
about the control that the government and agencies have over your life
that wasn't there 30 ~40 years ago We didn't need them to take care of
us You seem to want that womb to tomb safety net that only they can
provide.If you want to run around without bumpers you should be able to
If I want to put a crossflow head and webers on my 79B I should be able
to If you don't want to wear seatbelts you should be able not to!All
these safety and pollution items on cars should have been driven by
public demand not legislation,If people were going into auto dealers
demanding air bags the auto makers would have put them on soon enough
but nobody was concerned and some beaurocrat Isn't it  rediculous when a
car fails smog just because the gas cap isn't the right one(it happened
on my wifes car)I hope you will be happy in the brave new world that is
waiting for you but I sure as hell won't!

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