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Re: midget runs, then dies

Subject: Re: midget runs, then dies
From: (Rick Morrison)
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 20:14:37 EDT
On Wed, 23 Jul 1997 07:20:02 +0000 "David E. Brown"
<> writes:
>Hi All,
>I have a 77 Midget 1500 with an unusual problem.  When you start it 
>all seems well. Drive it away and within a block or two it starts its
>dying/restarting cycle, that is, the tach falls to nothing and the
>engine dies.  Upon hitting the starter, it usually starts right back 
>then dies again, either immediately, or within a short distance.  Gas
>supply to the carb seems to be good.  I replaced my inline fuel filter
>(btw pump and carb) with a clear one, and it filled right up.  Any
  Check the fuel lines between the filter and the carb.
  I friend of mine just recently had a similar problem, his 70 B would
crank and idle fine, then within a couple of miles start running on 2
cylinders and finally die.  He tried everything he could think of to no
avail. He called me for what it was worth, and while talking, I asked if
he had checked all the lines for obstructions. "No, I just replaced both
the line from the filter and the one between the carbs with new ones from
A couple of questions later it was noted the problem started right after
the lines were replaced. 
  "check 'em again" I advised.
 Fifteen minutes later he called back. Sure enough, one of the ends had
been improperly cut and left a small flap of rubber hanging in the line
that acted like a check valve. Just enough fuel was getting through to
idle the car, but as soon as the throttle was opened under a load, it
literally ran out of gas.  He re-trimmed the hose end and the problem

Rick Morrison
74 Midget

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