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Re: MGB Heater question

Subject: Re: MGB Heater question
From: Ryan Watson <>
Date: Sun, 25 May 1997 08:42:00 -0600 (MDT)
On Sat, 24 May 1997, EMILY COWEN wrote:
> As long as the po hasn't gone cheap on the anti-freeze, you're right.
> But, if the po HAS gone cheap, the worn out anti-rust chemicals can't
> stop the guts of the heater control valve from dissolving.  The valve
> LOOKS good, but doesn't shut off the hot water...

I started the whole heater thread and will soon be replacing the valve.
I figure I'll take this opportunity to flush the cooling system and 
replace the anti-freeze as well. Being in the unique position of being my 
own PO, I know the anti-freeze in there now is older than I care to admit.
I don't wan't to "go cheap" as you put it, so what anti-freeze should I
 use (or avoid). Or by going cheap do you mean using rain-water as 
suggested in the Haynes Manual?


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