[BOUNCE mgs@Autox.Team.Net: Admin request of type /\bsubscribe\b/i at line
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 14:57:59 -0600
From: Carol <car@texas.net>
Subject: Web Search Engines [non-MG]
A service I subscribe to (Tourbus) informed me of a new search engine that
is available. The address is
It utilizes all the other search engines out there and tells you where it
found what. I was shocked at the results of my search on: MGA and for and
Lotsa' hits. Amazingly, Yahoo found zero! Lycos found some, Alta Vista, and
other found hits as well.
The really neat thing is that Dogpile is like "one-stop shopping." You
enter your search requests one time and it hits all the search engines,
such as Yahoo, Lycos, Alta Vista, WebCrawler, etc.
If you use the web as much as I do, you need to try this new search method!!