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Re: Fuel leak on MGTD

To: "Bud Krueger" <>
Subject: Re: Fuel leak on MGTD
From: "John Swanland" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 17:43:57 +1000
> > 
> >       I have a fuel leak around the gasket on the sending unit where it
> > on the fuel tank.   When I replace the gasket should I use some type of
> > sealer on the gasket?  Any advice on any problem that I might have on
> > repairing the leak will be appreciated..
> > 
>       I'm Bud Krueger from Plymouth, Mass. I've been fighting the same leaks
> from the sending unit of my '52TD. One big problem - according to the
> folks at Loctite/Permatex, there is NO sealer for use in contact with
> gasoline. 

Loctite Australia recommend RPK1 which is a 2 part putty.  This is the only
thing that has worked on my TC--although I don't know if I'll be able to
ever remove the sender!

John Swanland
Melbourne Australia

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