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"Made in "Chaiwan!"

To: "'mgsubmit'" <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: "Made in "Chaiwan!"
From: Deffendall Kelly 403 <>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 97 08:33:00 PST
I would like to see the world have the same standard of living as the
U.S.  I would also like to believe in Santa Claus.  Through unions and
intrusive legislation, US companies are required to pay all these benefits,
or move factories elsewhere to avoid them.  Their sole purpose for 
is to make a profit, not to care for their employees.

The only law that has ever worked is supply and demand.

By the way, I buy the highest quality tools and parts I can.  I could care 
where it's made.

Kelly Deffendall

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