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Re: Urgent! Right-Angle Drive question

To:, mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Urgent! Right-Angle Drive question
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 21:28:28 -0500 (EST)
In a message dated 97-02-11 18:03:53 EST, (Thomas J
Pokrefke) writes:

<< Is it possible to by-pass the right-angle drive at the transmission and
 screw the speedo cable directly into the transmission? >>

Yes, The longer OD cable will reach the fitting for a fraction of the price.
This according to John Twist in a post some time ago. 

I wished I had known this two angle drives, $150 and ten years ago.

R. Johnson - Dallas

'90 Maine Coon
'79 Midget
'76 Midget
'73 MGB


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