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Re: Alaska Trip Update - 2/11 #1

To: (Barney Gaylord)
Subject: Re: Alaska Trip Update - 2/11 #1
From: (len drake)
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 12:16:19 -0800
Hi Barney - I don't know whether or not it would fit into your plans,
but the Okanagan British Car Club has their annual all marques
British car show on in Penticton, B.C. on July 4, 5, & 6.  This
event has gained a reputation in the northwest as probably the
best people oriented British car show in the area.  Usually about
150 cars with many varied events including a British pub night
with auction of British car related goodies, wine tasting tours, 
gymkhana, show, awards banquet, slalom, etc.  Judging is by
entrants, with the emphasis more on a good time than on awards.
I will be mailing a note to the general list later in the week
and will have more details then.  Penticton is a beautiful
little city of about 35,000 on the shores of Lake Okanagan
and Skaha Lake - very picturesque and in the heart of Okanagan
wine growing country.  If some of your group can fit it in,
I am sure they would have a great time.


Len Drake 

>YES!  WE ARE DEFINITELY GOING!  There are currently six cars signed up
>for the trip with a seventh pending, and more expressing interest.  The
>current entries are coming from Illinois, Missouri, Texas, California,
>and maybe one from Florida.  We also have the offer of a couple of stop
>overs and some home brewed beer along the way.  We think there will be at
>least one lap top computer with a modem in the convoy so we can keep in
>touch as we go.
>A few of the entries have an empty seat and may be willing to take a
>passenger.  So for anyone out there without wheels but wanting to go, if
>you would like to split the expenses (and maybe the driving),  drop me a
>line and I'll forward your request to the interested parties.  This also
>applies to a party of three with only two seats.  Maybe we can match up a
>few traveling companions.  Good idea to include a little personal data
>with your request, like posting a note in the personal ads of the local
>paper.  The more information you include, the more likely we are of
>getting a reasonable match.
>Current plans call for departure sometime during the first week of June. 
>I suspect that most of the gang will be north of the US/Canadian border
>by Saturday, June 7.  Return is planned for early to mid July, no later
>than July 16 for some to be back in Texas.  The convoy is likely to be
>split into two or more parts from time to time, possibly traveling on
>slightly differing schedules, with some possibly returning earlier than
>Most entries so far like the freedom of camping and shun any reservations
>in favor of the freedom to wander at will.  We plan on NOT planning as
>much as possible.  Routing will consist of sticking a few pins in the map
>denoting some key locations of interest and then blue-skying an
>approximate sequence and route between those points.  Scheduling will
>consist of setting a few target dates for the specified points of
>interest, and possibly for a few other points for the convoy to join up
>in between.  We expect to find plenty of interesting things to do and
>places to visit along the way.
>So far it is nearly unanimous that part of the trip include the end of
>the road to Prudhoe Bay inside of the arctic circle.  Seems we all want
>to see the sun going around in circles in mid summer, or the oil fields,
>or the Arctic Ocean, or maybe "just because it's there".  It is likely
>that this excursion to the largely barren far north will be early in the
>trip to get some of the unknowns out of the way.  Incidentally, the last
>414 miles of the Dalton Highway leading to Prudhoe Bay is a gravel haul
>road, only opened to the public since December 1994.  So, if you haven't
>been there in the last two years, you haven't been there.
>Most of the other roads we will be traveling on are paved in some form or
>another, although we will likely take a few side trips on unpaved roads
>as local interest dictates.  The more interesting roads seem to be south
>from Fairbanks, on down to Anchorage and beyond.  I'm sure we will
>ultimately be traveling on most of the main highways in the state, and
>seeing anything and everything that's worth seeing.  Also fairly sure
>there will be at least one short ferry trip (probably without the cars). 
>Also the possibility of white water rafting on the Yukon River for the
>more adventurous.
>For any questions between updates, or for anyone else wanting to sign up,
>contact (Bob Nogueira) or (Barney
>Cheers to the list, and pray for the wildcats.
>Barney Gaylord
>1958 MGA with an attitude

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