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Names and all that sort of thing

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Names and all that sort of thing
From: (Mere)
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 21:28:33 -0500
I have been following the thread on LBC and other vehicle names.  There
seems to be a feeling that a lot of LBC names don't exactly have a macho
connotation.  Vehicle model names are a hobby of mine and as a result I
often do word searches and crossword puzzles for the various clubs to which
I belong.

However, don't assume that the bulk of LBC names is effete.  Let's look at
the facts.  British truck names are without a doubt some of the world's
grittiest.  What could be more commanding than the "Humber Pig"?  How about
the BMC Mastiff or the Leyland Lynx?  The Bedford Mammoth certainly sounds
imposing and while the Leyland Beaver or Guy Otter may not create much
interest - except here in Canada of course - but the Leyland Retriever or
Bedford Beagle sound quite reliable and faithful (definitely LBC traits).
One cannot ignore the commanding presence of the Leyland Bison although the
same cannot be said for the Commer Beetle, the Guy Ant and the Karrier
Spider.  Then of course there is the excellent Morris Terrapin.  We can't
overlook the military Daimlers - the Dingo and the Ferret.

All of these give some idea of the amazing scope of the British
imagination.  I will conclude with my two personal favorites.  What could
be more evocative of a real honest-to-God work truck than these two by
Leylank - The Hippo and the Octopus?  Stack that up against Silverado,

John McEwen

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