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Air compressor lines

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Air compressor lines
From: Don Walton <>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 20:50:35 -0500
I know this is a somewhat old thread, but I haven't been able to get to the
computer for a while.  We operate a full-time pottery here in NC and run a
5HP compressor at 110lbs.  I have been using schedule 40 PVC for years with
no problems at all.  One thing no one seemed to mention is to use PVC
etching solution when preparing the joints for glue.  I think this really
makes a difference in the joint.  I use the Black Tulip ( purple ) etching
solution so I can see the coverage on the pipe.  
                                Looking forward to 65 degrees in NC
                                                Don Walton
                                                73 and 74 MGB's

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