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No clutch no more - sorted, thanks.

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: No clutch no more - sorted, thanks.
From: "A.D.Smith" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 13:17:12 GMT
Well chaps, I finally got round to buying a new clutch hose and fitting it this 
weekend.  Whoever designed the route of that hose behind the battery and down 
through that little hole followed by a rightangle bend should be put up against
a wall somewhere and made to drink as much hydraulic fluid as I got on my head 
while trying to get the old one off and fit the new one on saturday.....

I filled the system, and bled it (twice) and all seems to be OK so far.  So 
far no fluid has gone from the system, so I'm hoping that it was just the hose.
The old one certainly looked very bad!

I'll be back for more advice if I start losing fluid again.

Thanks for all the advice 


Andy Castellano Smith.            |
UMDS Image Processing Group.      |
9th Floor, Capital House          | tel. : 0171 940 9103
42 Weston Street, London SE1 3QD. | fax. : 0171 378 7480

       1977 Chrome Bumper Midget "Mungo" for short.
DPO of 1975 Rubber Bumper Midget "Mary"  for short.

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  • No clutch no more - sorted, thanks., A.D.Smith <=