On Mon, 20 Jan 1997 23:37:54 -0500 (EST) RJohn50603@aol.com writes:
>How to save e-mail you want to keep...
>I run a 486DX PC @ 33 Mhz with 8 megs of RAM.
>I just highlight the e-mail text I want to copy, do a "crtl C" then
>"alt tab"
>over to Word Perfect (which I always leave running). There I open a
>document ("ctrl N") then "ctrl V" to paste the text on the new
>document. If
>you then hit "F3" (save) all you have to do is name the document and
>saved. Then I "alt tab" back to my internet program and delete the
>document. This all takes less than 30 seconds. I'm sure there's cooler
>to do this but, it sure works well.
>R. Johnson - Dallas
>'90 Maine Coon
>'79 Midget
>'76 Midget
>'73 MGB
But I still dont see how you can watch one programme while taping