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Re: Making my car level.

To: Richard Fontaine "(ENG)" <>,
Subject: Re: Making my car level.
From: Paul Hunt <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 97 19:18:19 GMT
>dick fontaine
>"he who dies with the most toys,wins"

>i want to come in 2nd.

Two infidels were taking a short-cut across a desert when they were 
captured by the local Sheik.  He said they could either both die, or 
have a camel race over a given distance in which the owner of the 
winning camel would die and the other survive.  If either of them did 
not cross the finish line in a given time they would both die.

How did the two infidels resolve this conumdrum?

73 Roadster (HD&H)
75 V8 (DD)

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