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Re: a moment of mg zen

To: Paul Hunt <>,
Subject: Re: a moment of mg zen
From: (Carol)
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 1997 11:33:53 -0600 (CST)
At 04:16 PM 1/1/97 GMT, Paul Hunt wrote:

>>It is amazing how many times you can actually find the rotten screws 

[snip, snip, snip]

>Anybody remember Tom Sawyer, or possibly Huck Finn?  Apparently a 
>sure fire method of finding a dropped anything is to drop another one 
>from the same place and watch carefully where it goes.

Carol, "The Problem Avoider," says:

Put a terrycloth towel under where you're working. Parts don't bounce off
the towel as easily as they do off paper or cardboard. 

Works for me!! No new "vocaburaly," either!   ;-)


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