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Fixed the OD on my 67 BGT

To: MG list <>
Subject: Fixed the OD on my 67 BGT
From: "James D. Howard II" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 09:15:07 -0700 (MST)
About a month ago, the overdrive quit on my B.  I was just driving down 
the Interstate with it engaged, and it kicked out.

Trouble shooting found that the solenoid on the OD had no continuity.  A 
new one costs $120, so I got an old one off the spare 3 sychro OD 
transmission my Dad is hoarding.  Then I got depressed.  It looked like 
you had to do a lot of work to get it on with the transmission still in 
the car.  Remove the rear cross member, and lower the back end of the 
transmission as far as you could, so you can get a little side plate 

So I didn't do anything.  I was thinking, maybe the clutch will go, so I 
have another reason to pull the tranny.

Then I found that the plunger the solenoid acts on just slides out.  So, 
I unscrewed the old coil, and slid the new one over the plunger and 
screwed it back on.  Took about 20 minutes.  Mind you, there are only two 
screws holding it on, but one is hard to get to.

This morning, I engaged it carefully on the interstate, and it kicked 
in.  I had forgotten how much quieter the car is.  I turned the radio off 
and listened to the wind noise.  

Now maybe I will get 30 mpg again, instead of 24.

James Howard
1967 MGB/GT (I think it is actually a 66)
1972 Land Rover Series III 88

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