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Re: Winshield Replacing

To: Alan Wilson <>
Subject: Re: Winshield Replacing
From: john peloquin <>
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 1996 14:41:54 -0800 (PST)
On Fri, 29 Dec 1995, Alan Wilson wrote:

> > 
> > The time has come for me to replace my 72 MGB/GT winshield.  Last night
> > I picked up all new rubber, chrome, and a nice tinted winshield.  I've
> > never tried to put in a winsheild before, but all of my friends have 
> > been telling me that it can be a BIG PAIN.  
> > 
> > So, what do all of you think?  Can me and a couple of buddies do it, or
> > should I take it all to a glass shop, and pay them $50 or so to do it
> > for me?
I did it my self, and I would have a glass shop do it for 50 bucks if I 
ever had to replace the damn thing again. Getting the trim strips in the 
big rubber grommet in the appeture was a real Pain!

> I did my '69B. It was a bit of a pain, but not that hard.  The windshield
> removes with two bolts on each side of the car.  I had to drill a couple
> of rivits to get to the bolts, but no problem.
Bzzt- wrong. The GT winshield is completely different.

John Peloquin

> Once the windshield and frame is on the bench, it is not too difficult
> to replace the glass and rubber around the glass.  It is a bit messy
> if you use large amounts of sealer.  The real fun comes when you try
> to reinstall the new glass and frame on the car.  It takes at least 
> two people to push to frame down (and compress the new rubber under
> the frame) to that the bolts can be reinstalled.
> I would worry about taking it to a glass shop that does not know what
> they are getting into.  The installation is very different from a
> typical car!

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