Glenn asks:
>I'm in the process of restoring a 1974 MG Midget and have the opportunity
>to purchase a rust-free 66 Midget that isn't running right now. Seeing as
>my 74 has enough rust (sills, etc.) and some body damage and the 66 is
>cheap enough that buying it and making one running car out of the two makes
>sense, can anyone tell me whether my 74 engine and transmission might fit
>the 66? Also, what else could I anticipate being interchangeable?
I'm not experienced with the Midget side of things that much (no one has
managed to sell me that ultra-solid pre-67 migdet for an abominably low
price), but... isn't the '66 engine *better* than the '74? When was the
switch to the 1500cc s**tfire engine? Why not just change your plans and
restore a '66?
Will Zehring