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Re: SU Fuel pump mounting

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: SU Fuel pump mounting
From: "DON SCOTT" <>
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 14:54:41 -0800
Reply-to: "DON SCOTT" <>
They're for attaching vent tubes.  On later US-spec MGBs there were small
diameter flexible lines (vent tubes)  attached to the car chassis that fit
onto the pump (that lead to the charcoal canister I believe).

>>> Barrie Robinson <> 3/9/2006 1:52:17 PM >>>
Several people have kindly advised me how the SU fuel pump mount in a
1970 MGB GT but I wonder if anyone has any photos of the standard way
- or even similar way.  It is just that a picture is worth a 1,000
words - but in my case 10,000 !

Another question.  There are two spigots.  One at the base of the
electrical 'tower' right next to the model number tab, and another
right next to the negative connection (hot wire)  They are approx
3/32" What are these for?  Do I have to connect them to anything?  Do
they let out excess Lucas smoke?


Barrie Robinson
(705) 721-9060

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