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Re: 65 MGB WIring Harness

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: 65 MGB WIring Harness
From: "Paul Hunt" <>
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 14:20:49 +0100
References: <001b01c5351f$4a788d80$>
Reply-to: "Paul Hunt" <>
Pull it out from the cockpit, and insert it from the cockpit also.  The
large rubber grommet only seals one aperture, as I recall there is a second
close to it, watch you don't snag the wrapping and insulation on this, a
length of split cable sheath around the hole helps.  On an early car the
harness is probably thin enough to remove and insert quite easily.  On a
1980 I found it easier to tape the spurs in the engine compartment to the
main part of the harness, some pointing forwards and some back to make as
even a thickness as possible.  If you let them all point forwards you can
end up with a bunch too thick to pull through the hole.

What burned the old harnes?  It is often a component that does this, that
will still be on the car, and will burn the new harness unless you find and
fix the original problem first.


----- Original Message -----
> ... My
> questions is, does ones remove and install the harness thru the hole in
> firewall passing it to the front or pull the front part thru into the
> cockpit.

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