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Not really a V-8 question.... (Weber Carb)

To: MGB-v8 list <>
Subject: Not really a V-8 question.... (Weber Carb)
From: James Jewell <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 09:10:05 -0400
Reply-to: James Jewell <>
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20011128 Netscape6/6.2.1
    Before I can start on my V-8 conversion, I have to drive the 77 'B 
from my parents house in NY down to Maryland, and I figure that I'll 
want to drive it all the way up to the point in time where I have to 
drop the engine out.  Having said that, I either have to rebuild my 1.5" 
SU carbs, or I can buy a Weber DGV down-draught carb and manifold that 
someone is making me a fair used sale offer.  However, I seem to recall 
stories of people in the past putting a DGV (or DGEV) on their B's, only 
to take it back off and put the stock 1.5" SUs back on.  Can anyone 
relate any experiences to me about the DGV?  Anyone have one to sell (w/ 
manifold) for less than $200.00?  It's billed as a reliable daily-driver 
carb, with some performance gains over the SUs (I think it has an 
accelerator pump), but I'm suspect of all marketing.

Thanks for reading this slightly off-topic question.

James J.

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