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3.5 V8 Bugeye Update

To: mg-v8 <>, spridgets list <>
Subject: 3.5 V8 Bugeye Update
From: Bill Elliott <>
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 21:00:58 -0400
Reply-to: Bill Elliott <>
Thanks for all the responses to my questions.  Dan even sent me some
great photos of a period SB Chevy install in a Bugeye. The mods look
very similar.

After giving the subject more consideration, I've decided the car is a
period modification and deserves to be preserved as one.  

(Plus the fact that I really think the car would be unsafe were I to try
to add a third pedal in the cramped footwell. Anyway, there are better
ways to make a fast Sprite!)

So, I'll restore the car complete with the existing Dynaflow (I was
corrected that it's not a PG).

The bonnet I described appears to be a third party repro of the Sebring/
Speedwell variety.  I'll probably restore both it and the stock piece
and make them interchangeable.

Since the engine is incomplete, I think I'd prefer to find a complete
running example.  I'd like a 4bbl Buick model, but would consider
anything.  Close and cheap rank pretty highly as well! ;-)

Again, thanks for the advice and I'll post photos on a web page when I

Bill Elliott
Lake Mills, WI
.... also looking for a cheap working smoothcase gearbox... NJ's just
too far, Frank! ;-)

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