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Re: Links

To: William G Abbott <>
Subject: Re: Links
From: Jim Stuart <>
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 19:13:45 -0500
References: <"990301223813Z.WT21029. 82*/PN=William.G.Abbott/OU=C398130/OU=SLLN/O=McDonnell Douglas/PRMD=MDC/ADMD=TELEMAIL/C=US/"@MHS>
Reply-to: Jim Stuart <>
No cut lines for the RBB, at least in the 2 I have done. If you use a
late model Rover & A/C style engine mounts, you may have a little hammer
work behind the passenger side head, just a small dimple. Otherwise, no
cutting or banging on the RBB firewall or inner fenders. The tranny
tunnel will need to be bashed some, depending upon the tranny used. For
the CBB, duplicate the RBB angles on the firewall, the inner fender
bump-outs are trial & error, depending upon the exact engine placement.
This is a real variable, since you will be welding in replacement motor

Jim Stuart

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