I replied to Herb earlier, but didn't hit 'reply to all'. You hit on
several items that I didn't address but what I did address definitely
covers the situation your are experiencing. Here is what I sent to Herb:
" Most probably, you have a situation where the fuel has evaporated out
of the float bowl to the point that the float lever has dropped far
enough to trap the needle in the needle valve, thus jamming everything
together so that the float can't shut off fuel flow. Often just tapping
on the side of the float bowl will jar things loose and get you going.
For a permanent fix (and a better explanation of the situation) see the
article, Float Lever Drop
in the Other Tech articles on my web site at:";
On the subject of Gross Jets, the ones being sold today are junk, but
the original Gross Jets that were available some 20 years ago were very
reliable (and, by the way, eliminate the problem that you are dealing with).
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