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RE: TD Clock

To: "'Richard Taylor'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: TD Clock
From: "Jes�s V. Benajes" <>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 09:59:51 +0100
I found the same problem in my clock, and attempted to rewire the coil. I
purchased the required 0.07 mm insulated copper wire, and tried to find or
to figure out a method for winding the coil. I had to stop there, for the
moment. Winding such a fine wire is not an easy task. There are too many
loops in the coil, and the risk or breaking the fine wire is high, unless
you use a specific winding machine.

If you have a good repairing service at hand, this would be the way to go.
Perhaps you can order just the rewinding of the coil. If you find such a
service, please let me know. 

Jesus (in Spain)
53 TD

-----Mensaje original-----
De: [] En nombre
de Richard Taylor
Enviado el: domingo, 30 de octubre de 2005 15:06
Asunto: TD Clock

Dear Listers


I have removed the clock and determined the coil is in bad shape (looks
Melted).  Does anyone know of a source for these coils?  I would like to
attempt to repair the clock myself.


Thanks for any help



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